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时间:2022-11-24 来源:热心肠日报 作者:九卿臣 浏览次数:1137


① 纳入哺乳期健康母婴志愿者,母亲口服Probio-M8菌粉,通过培养组从母亲粪便、母乳和婴儿粪便中均分离出Probio-M8同源株,表明Probio-M8可通过哺乳经过口腔/肠道-乳腺轴垂直传递给婴儿;

② 从母婴粪便宏基因组数据中组装出Probio-M8同源株,再次证明Probio-M8可实现母婴间垂直传递;

③ 在母婴分离的同源株中发现编码葡萄糖转运蛋白基因glcU高频突变,表型鉴定发现该基因突变株对碳源代谢能力增强,表明Probio-M8在肠道中发生了适应性进化。

Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Probio-M8 undergoes host adaptive evolution by glcU mutation and translocates to the infant’s gut via oral-/entero-mammary routes through lactation
11-22, doi: 10.1186/s40168-022-01398-6


Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Probio-M8 undergoes host adaptive evolution by glcU mutation and translocates to the infant’s gut via oral-/entero-mammary routes through lactation



11-22, Article

Background: Most previous studies attempting to prove the phenomenon of mother-to-infant microbiota transmission were observational, performed only at genus/species-level resolution, and relied entirely on non-culture-based methodologies, impeding interpretation.
Results: This work aimed to use a biomarker strain, Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Probio-M8 (M8), to directly evaluate the vertical transmission of maternally ingested bacteria by integrated culture-dependent/-independent methods. Our culture and metagenomics results showed that small amounts of maternally ingested bacteria could translocate to the infant gut via oral-/entero-mammary routes through lactation. Interestingly, many mother-infant-pair-recovered M8 homologous isolates exhibited high-frequency nonsynonymous mutations in a sugar transporter gene (glcU) and altered carbohydrate utilization preference/capacity compared with non-mutant isolates, suggesting that M8 underwent adaptive evolution for better survival in simple sugar-deprived lower gut environments.
Conclusions: This study presented direct and strain-level evidence of mother-to-infant bacterial transmission through lactation and provided insights into the impact of milk microbiota on infant gut colonization.

First Authors:
Zhi Zhong,Hai Tang

Correspondence Authors:
Heping Zhang

All Authors:
Zhi Zhong,Hai Tang,Tingting Shen,Xinwei Ma,Feiyan Zhao,Lai-Yu Kwok,Zhihong Sun,Menghe Bilige,Heping Zhang



