时间:2019-08-22 来源:益生之源 作者:益生之源 浏览次数:2245Figure 4:Phylogenetic tree constructed based on the core genes of Enterococcus (E.)faeciumisolates. The phylogenetic tree wasconstructed using the DNA sequences of 871 core genes of 161 isolates ofE. faecium and 3 isolates of E. mundti. Enterococcus mundtii is the closest phylogenetic relative of E. faecium and was thus included asoutgroup. The color of the isolate name represents the origin of theisolate. Isolates labeled with star, dot, and triangle in the out circle wereclustered in clade A1 (hospital-associated), clade A2 (animal-associated), andclade B (commensal-associated), respectively, in Lebreton et al [9]. The numberof antibiotic resistance genes was labeled in the out circle.
Figure 5: Clusteranalysis based on the profile of antibiotic resistance genes.
Red dots represent genes present in the individualisolates.Threeclusters could be identified based on the distribution of vancomycin resistancegenes: vanA-cluster, vanB-cluster, and van absent-cluster.